You do not want the Table Of Contents document to show up in the navigation map, so load the properties for this document and turn off “Show in Table of Contents” and “Show in NavMap”. Go here for Epub documentation by the International Digital Publishing forum ( ) iBooks uses other.reader-start-page, while Mobipocket uses text. The %STARTPAGE% guide type is a special variable that will be replaced with the value of “Start page guide type” in the current configuration, since the start page guide type varies from one ebook format to the next. The Jutoh documentation has this to say about the %STARTPAGE% guide type: If you add other document types that are not listed above (such as foreword), load the properties and look through the guide types list to see if any might apply. Below is a mapping that you should follow. Chapter documents do not need guide types except for the one that the ebook reader should open to. These tell the ebook reader where to find specific types of content, such as the start page and the table of contents. You now need to assign “Guide types” to each document. Remember that ebooks can be changed and re-uploaded as many times as you want, so you are not “stuck” with whatever decision you make. If this is the last book in the series, well, take your pick on what it is you want to highlight. The “Sample: xxx” document should contain one or two chapters of the next book in the series.Remember that the document names are what will print in the table of contents (unless you want to maintain the table of contents by hand, which I do not recommend).If a table of contents document was imported, delete it and create a new document for it.To see a more exhaustive and up-to-date list, load the Template.jutoh file located on the root of SkyDrive. If you deviate, make sure all books in the series are consistent. The screenshot below is the after, and the names are ePubMasters standards, so stick to them and to the order unless otherwise instructed.

I delete “Cover” (it is empty anyway, plus Jutoh handles the cover separately), remove or rename the “Unknown” as appropriate, etc. Here is an example of what Jutoh looked like after an Epub import. You may have to rename them, delete “ghost” documents, add new ones (such as “About the Author”). After importing your document, the list of Jutoh documents probably needs to be cleaned up.